Images of North Korea:
Kim Jong Il II is the current ruler of North Korea
Is North Korea an International Threat?
North Korea in the 2000s:
Since 2000 there have been multiple stories emerging from the secured borders of North Korea. Most of the news being leaked is that of nuclear weapons, however there are also documented events of poverty, propoganda and more occurring throughout the country. To find out more about the news not surrounding the nuclear question, visit the page below.
Recent History: 2000-Present
North Korea in the International Community:
In recent years North Korea has, in a sense, isolated themselves from the world. A country in desperate need for imported consumer goods has gone against the international community's wishes. With increasing defiance, North Korea has stock piled nuclear weapons, tested them and are not looking to let go of their hate for the United States. However there are some good things happening in the International sector. One huge event that is happening at the present is talks between North and South Korea about unifying the Korean peninsular. More news can be seen and viewed at the link below:
North Korea's International Outlook
Kim Jong-il is the leader of North Korea and General Secretary of the current ruling party the Workers Party of Korea. Click on the links to learn more on the leader and the idea of Communism that he uses to contol North Korea.
Kim Jong-il
Communist Ideology:
North Korea, officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), is a communist dictatorship with a Stalinist, authoritarian, and totalitarian regime, aligned with the Juche ideology developed by Kim Il-sung, the “Eternal president”. The Juche ideological principle states "man is the master of everything and decides everything," Juche replaced Marxism-Leninism as North Korea's official state ideology in 1972.
Currently North Korea favors the Songon ideology (army-first) in which the army primarily controls state function, government, and society. Established in 1996, Songun places the majority of revolutionary responsibility in the military establishment as opposed to the proletariat or working class support.
Communism in North Korea
Nuclear News:
North Korea; Nuclear History
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